Thursday, September 15, 2011

Getting Caught in the property boom

Is Taman Desa part of the Property Bubble?

I was in the Casa Desa gym today and I overhead two guys talking excitedly in Cantonese. Now, I know a little Cantonese but by the names these guys were mentioning it was clear they were talking about properties worth buying nearby. And about property prices in general. Go around town these days and you'll pretty much hear the same topic being discussed at mamak stalls, office canteens, family gatherings and meeting room small-talk. Everyone is either keen on investing in property - both commercial and residential - or keen on attending a property investment seminar. Some, naturally, are into both.

It goes without saying that Taman Desa comes into the conversation due to the rapidly appreciating property prices here. Our own condo has nearly doubled in price since we moved in three years ago and real estate agents keep spamming my mobile with SMSs about 'potential' buyers. It's annoying about I'm not the only person getting such attention. Check out the Absolute Taman Desa Facebook page by the way, where you'll see similar complaints.

Anyway, condos are now launching in KLCC reaching the RM1,500 p.sq ft threshold selling price already, while in the inner suburbs a luxury condo can already fetch RM1,000 p.sq ft. Don't even dream of landed properties being less than that. Simple terrace houses within the KL and PJ area can go from RM600,000 upwards and the general price for an average semi-D will break the million mark. You have to go to Shah Alam to find cheaper semi-Ds under a mill.

Bubble or not, I think a smart colleague of mine who works in Finance said the simplest, smartest thing about surviving your investment. What will withstand the test of the bubble being burst and speculations gone bad are three simple things: location, location, location. Just get the best location you can find. Unless, you plan to make it your permanent home.

Thus, spend wisely. And that means you'll probably end up investing in Taman Desa! But who knows how much the prices are going up? It's your pick. I already made mine.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Another Great Reason

No hypermarket opening is complete with the directional buntings

This place is huge, and the residences are yet to come too

I'm not a huge fan of Tesco but I do admit that as far as hypermarkets go, they've got a good brand and a good service offering. (I prefer Cold Storage but that's only because they've got a wider range of gourmet foods).

Thus, what started out as just rumours apparently became true when I saw what an advertising balloon in the sky above a huge building under construction near the Taman Desa intersection. It then dawned on me that Tesco was well and truly in (our part of) town. It opened for business this March in the Scott Garden mall.

Previously, Taman Desans had two choices: the local supermarket in nearby Danau Desa known as Sri Kota (which my parents always mistakenly refer to as 'Kota Raya') and the other choice, Carrefour or Jusco, in Mid Valley. Most people would try to avoid the latter due to the jam on weekends and the long queues at the check-out lanes. You'd really only want to go there if you had other things to do in 'one shot' as well.

But we checked out Tesco and it seems to be convenient in so many ways. Firstly, the parking is free. For now. Secondly, the carpark has great indicator lights for vacant lots that you can spot a mile away and even tells you which areas to find your vacant spot in. Thirdly, Tesco is famous for their generous number of lanes which reduces waiting time. Fourthly, Scott Garden is just mere minutes from our condo - you could even walk there if you wanted. Finally, it offers a tremendous breadth of goods that you just can't get in the smaller supermarket.

Granted, many of us will still use Sri Kota if we only want a couple of items. For now, Tesco has made a difference for those of us in Taman Desa.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Food Boo-Boos... Anyone need a copywriter?

Cheeky sense of adult humour? I doubt

Someone invented an edible lamp!

So we know that some people just can't spell, and they happen to be the printers/designers for lots of restaurants out there in Malaysia. (Note: never blame the owner of the restaurant unless they're the ones who were the actual copywriters).

As a former copywriter myself, I have to cringe when I see these mistakes creep into our vocabulary. Why couldn't they just check with a friend or go online and Google the damn word they loved so much.

I do remember one time seeing the signboard for a shop in Taman Desa that said Puer Tea and I almost wanted to write to them to ask if they knew they made such a blatant error? Then I made a check of my own one day and found out that puer is a brand of tea leaf!

Okay, but back to the merits of copywriting. I hope you folks out there got a small laugh and learn that we need to improve our branding awareness - even if its a small stall that you run.