Sunday, January 04, 2009

For A Better Cause

First of all, here's a virtual toast to our new year and I really hope we all pull through better than the nay-sayers are predicting!

From a Taman Desa point-of-view, I think at least there is some hope for Casa Desa. We had our first committee meeting and it was great to meet fellow owners/residents from the blocks around us. Almost everyone had their gripe to add about how things could be improved and I must say that it was insightful. Nim and I don't have children yet so it was humourous (yet sobering at the same time) to hear parents complaining that the slide in the playground is too close to the concrete retainer that surrounds it. Kids sliding down may have to watch their speeds! Ditto with the swing as apparently its placement doesn't leave much room for the backswing. Oops!

It's a fact. Casa Desa, nice as it is, wasn't designed by Caesar Pelli. This means certain oversights have to be rectified and we hope Faber Union will take it in their stride and help us out. They'll look really close to the S&P agreement of course, but somethings that can, and should, be solved just need common sense solutions.

Oh yeah, and yours truly is now the Block C representative too!

Following the formation of the temporary committee (the formal one will be elected mid year as per regulations) some of us met up at fellow member Kenneth's place in Block B. We discussed the ongoing improvements that could be made to the Casa Desa web portal, especially making it more functional for all concerned.

For those who are interested, do check it out.

Let's hope things improve in Casa Desa. Being a newbie in property committees is making everything a learning experience. But hopefully I can put it to good use for the condo. And eventually for Taman Desa itself.