Saturday, December 19, 2009

Food For Thought

Yes, it's been almost two months since my posting but a lot has happened at work in that time. I've been kept super busy, of course.

At least, one milestone was achieved on the home front. Casa Desa has its very own cafe and a place for residents to grab a quick and easy bite. It was a two-month process that I was personally handling, from getting in the prospective applicants and choosing the right one. In the end, the owner of Bakeroni (a well-known café in Taman Desa) won us over with her experience and passion. That wasn't the end of it though, as I had to make sure that we (Casa Desa) signed a rock-solid tenancy agreement with her and ensured a smooth setting-up period.

The launch went well and barring an episode where someone tried to steal the cafe's speakers after hours (!) business is on track. Residents seem happy, overall.

Yes, the food is a tad pricey but it is all about convenience. No more car trips to the shops over yonder, or forced walks to the nearby shops in the rain. Or expensive home-delivery. Just a walk downstairs for me! You can't really put a price to that, actually.

That's one more reason to brag about Casa Desa too.

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