Cheeky sense of adult humour? I doubt
Someone invented an edible lamp!
So we know that some people just can't spell, and they happen to be the printers/designers for lots of restaurants out there in Malaysia. (Note: never blame the owner of the restaurant unless they're the ones who were the actual copywriters).
As a former copywriter myself, I have to cringe when I see these mistakes creep into our vocabulary. Why couldn't they just check with a friend or go online and Google the damn word they loved so much.
I do remember one time seeing the signboard for a shop in Taman Desa that said Puer Tea and I almost wanted to write to them to ask if they knew they made such a blatant error? Then I made a check of my own one day and found out that puer is a brand of tea leaf!
Okay, but back to the merits of copywriting. I hope you folks out there got a small laugh and learn that we need to improve our branding awareness - even if its a small stall that you run.