Sunday, April 10, 2011

Food Boo-Boos... Anyone need a copywriter?

Cheeky sense of adult humour? I doubt

Someone invented an edible lamp!

So we know that some people just can't spell, and they happen to be the printers/designers for lots of restaurants out there in Malaysia. (Note: never blame the owner of the restaurant unless they're the ones who were the actual copywriters).

As a former copywriter myself, I have to cringe when I see these mistakes creep into our vocabulary. Why couldn't they just check with a friend or go online and Google the damn word they loved so much.

I do remember one time seeing the signboard for a shop in Taman Desa that said Puer Tea and I almost wanted to write to them to ask if they knew they made such a blatant error? Then I made a check of my own one day and found out that puer is a brand of tea leaf!

Okay, but back to the merits of copywriting. I hope you folks out there got a small laugh and learn that we need to improve our branding awareness - even if its a small stall that you run.


Winston said...

What's stated on the signboard sounds like edible tits!
Don't you think so?

Alex said...

Not sure if you've noticed before, the fruit stall on Desa Utama (opposite TM) has this huge sign JAMU (jambu!). Always gives me a good laugh!

Michael D'Oliveiro said...

Hey Alex, perhaps sometimes they just need a proof-reader, not writer :-)