Thursday, February 06, 2014

The Ugly Side of Misused Public Funds

Taman Desa has plenty of good points. But there's an ugly side that we sometimes can't ignore. It seems we have our own White Elephant to add to the list of the many that exist in Malaysia. White Elephants are abandoned buildings of course, and I'm referring to this school just across from the Plaza Danau shops.

When it was being constructed almost a decade ago it seemed like an avant garde school, perhaps of even international grade. It certainly didn't look like your typical sekolah kebangsaan. There was a buzz about it from residents who had something to look forward to as another bragging point for our suburb.

Sadly, the school never was completed and it stands today as another monumental reminder that our civil service is lacking in planning an accountability. It's been used for filming by production crews lately, but that's about it. The disrepair is amazing and the photos say it all.

The ironic and saddest sight would be the one showing a homeless man who obviously made one of the classrooms his makeshift accommodation. To block out the sun's glare he has used this banner below.

I hope someone reads this and can do something about it. It has all the potential for a useful public or even private enterprise. Not it just stands as a reminder of waste of the highest order.

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